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PRESS RELEASE - Southeast Management Company

April 01, 2014 5:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Southeast Management Company, a third party management & consulting company and owner of storage facilities in the southeastern US, held its 3rd annual team member retreat in Florence, SC on February 21st and 22nd. The event included a social get-together on Friday evening and a full day of team building meetings on Saturday. This year's event featured an interactive speaker on Saturday assisting the team members in expanding Southeast Management Company's culture and style in better recognizing the customer’s storage experience. Recent trends by many storage facilities using remote call centers and web-based customer interaction create the possibility of reducing customer satisfaction and personal assistance. Southeast Management Company is dedicated to providing the best customer service and is implementing a number of new procedures and policies to enhance the experience of our customers. This year's event was centered on the theme of "Listen 2014" stressing the desire and goal to make sure each and every customer has a positive experience with assurances that the customer's needs are always taken care of in a pleasant and fulfilling manner. The meetings concluded on Saturday with an awards presentation to individual team members for their significant achievements in performance in 2013. Southeast Management Company is Virginia based with a regional office in North Carolina and currently manages and owns storage facilities from Virginia to Florida. The company stresses team member empowerment and confidence so each and every member feels appreciated and is provided the tools to reach and obtain their personal goals. To learn about our consulting services, property management services or employment opportunies, please visit our website at or call March Chase, VP of Operations, at 804-436-2596.

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